Chú thích Noah Webster

  1. Ellis, Joseph J. (1979). After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture. tr. 170.
  2. Webster, Noah (1787). Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787. Học viện Potowmack. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 16 tháng 8 năm 2007. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 6 năm 2007.
  3. "A pusillanimous, half-begotten, self-dubbed patriot", "an incurable lunatic", và "a deceitful newsmonger... Pedagogue and Quack."
  4. "A traitor to the cause of Federalism", calling him "a toad in the service of sans-cullottism", "a prostitute wretch", "a great fool, and a barefaced liar", "a spiteful viper", và "a maniacal pedant."
  5. "Metaphysical abstractions that either have no meaning, or at least none that mere mortals can comprehend." Ellis, Joseph J. (1979). After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture. tr. 199, 206.
  6. "All agree to let the clubs alone—publish nothing for or against them. They are a plant of exotic and forced birth: the sunshine of peace will destroy them."
  7. "The same republican principles as American civil and ecclesiastical constitutions."
  8. "The truth is general custom is the rule of speaking—and every deviation from this must be wrong." Ellis, Joseph J. (1979). After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture. tr. 172.